Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Great Videos Dealing With Concussions!!!

I've had some requests from my fellow certified athletic trainers to post more videos and pictures so here's some YouTube videos dealing with current issues on concussions:

Concussions: When in Doubt, Sit it Out

ESPN segment on concussions, Great information on second impact syndrome and ImPACT testing

Concussions can have delayed consequences-- GREAT for PARENTS: what many parents think: "He didn't lose consciousness, so I didn't think anything was wrong"

Full90 Commercial on YouTube-- If you don't know why I created this blog or if you think soccer is not a serious contact sport PLEASE watch this video :)

Kids and Concussions

Protecting Athletes Against Concussions

ForceField Headband makes the news!

2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa Commerical (this doesn't have anything to do with concussions, but if you'r a soccer fan I know you're excited for June 2010!!)

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